Accepted Payment Methods accepts the following forms of payment: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, China Union Pay, Diners Club, PayPal, Afterpay, Apple Pay, Hippie Shop Gift Cards.

If your payment method was declined, you may have entered your information incorrectly or there may be other issues with the card like a passed expiration date or insufficient funds. Please try a new payment method and contact your financial institution for more information if you continue to experience difficulties with your payment.

Payment Process

When you place an order on, your credit or debit card is charged to ensure funds for the order are available. You will be refunded to your original payment method for any items that are not shipped, along with applicable shipping and tax rates. 

Sales Tax

 We are required to collect sales tax in all states as required. The tax rate applied to your order will generally be the combined state and local rate for the address to which your order is shipped. We are required to collect tax on shipping charges when applicable. 

Gift Cards

Hippie Shop Gift Cards may be used or applied to any purchase online at It is reusable and can be reloaded. Your card balance may be obtained online or by calling 1-973-927-4479.

Hippie Shop Gift Cards may not be exchanged for cash, unless required by law or when the remaining balance is below $10. Hippie Shop is not responsible for replacing lost or stolen gift cards. Hippie Shop Gift Cards are not valid if purchased from a 3rd party site or location.